It is called Easy box and is the latest big news from Easy Market.
What is it?
It is a new feature in the Revolution system which will make even easier and faster your work. Just few clicks and you will be able to create and modify your bookings in every moment.
One “Virtual Box” where you can put all services you need, compare the tariffs, evaluate the best options for every single need of the client and all of that in only one action!
How does it function?
It is very easy to access to Easy Box: you just need to click on an icon present on the upper right part of a platform, among the other services.
From the icon you are able to create standard Easy Box or “quick” version. A “quick” one allows you to put only basic data and fill the rest later, with no rush.
Creating an Easy Box is always simple and very intuitive
What are you supposed to do?
- For the start you will be asked to give a name to your box (eg. Destination – Client name)
- Continue by inserting client details which you will be able to modify in any moment
- Select Activate and page menu will turn green. It means that you have created your Easy Box and that it is ready to be filled!
- You are able to exit and enter again in any given moment. The color changes will help you to understand if you are navigating through Revolution platform or you are inside one of your Easy Boxes (Green: active Easy Box – Blue: Revolution)
It is the moment to select services and tariffs which will be included in your Easy Box!
– Select the services which interest you and add them to Easy Box
– On the right you will see a drop down menu which will show and summarize details of your selection
– Add all your proposals for flight, hotel, activity, transfer and rent-a-car which you would like to offer to your client
– If you need you can exit and enter again to Easy Box in any given moment in order to add new offers or requote those already inserted; click on “Add to Easy Box” or, if you want to book it, Add and book
It is time to book! What do you need to do?
– Enter the Box
– Select the services and tariffs preferred
– Continue with calculation
Important all prices are net!
This will allow you to modify your mark-up according to the quantity of the activity and time used to create your offer
- Insert the mark-up
- Continue with booking
* Remember: